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Non-Surgical Breast Lift in Montclair

Featured on 2020 Americaā€™s Best Doctor List by Americaā€™s Best and Findatopdoc.com

New Jersey non-surgical breast lift model New Jersey non-surgical breast lift model with black hair

New Jersey Plastic Surgery, located in Montclair, and expertly serving the residents of Bloomfield, Essex, and Morristown counties, is excited to offer ThermiBra, a non-surgical minimally invasive radio frequency breast lift for breast skin tightening without noticeable scars. We strive to deliver the best non-surgical breast lift New Jersey has to offer!

What is a ThermiBra?

Would you like the results of a breast lift, without the hassle and inconvenience of surgery? Up until now, surgery has been your only option when it comes to addressing the issue of sagging breasts, otherwise known as ptosis.

But if ptosis (or sagging breasts) is making you self-conscious about wearing sexy or revealing clothing, and surgery is not an option, donā€™t withdraw, because thereā€™s a new exclusive option now called ThermiBra.

ThermiBra from New Jersey Plastic Surgery is a non-surgical breast lift that uses controlled radio frequency energy to lift the breasts and tighten your skin for a sexy look and no visible scarring.

The ThermiBra procedure utilizes a cutting-edge technology called ThermiTightĀ® that generates thermal (radio frequency) energy and stimulates the production of new elastin to improve your skinā€™s tightness and smoothness, so you can say goodbye to sagging breasts and hello to a new you. A minimally invasive solution with local anesthesia, ThermiBra leaves your skin unmarred and visibly unscarred.

New Jersey non-sugical breast lift model with blonde hair

Benefits of a Non-Surgical Breast Lift

A simple procedure using radio frequency under the skin for a lift and a boost thatā€™s all natural, ThermiBra is administered through a few micro-entry points that are effectively undetectable after your healing process is complete.

Ideal for women who want a breast lift but donā€™t want to undergo plastic surgery, New Jersey Plastic Surgery is leading the way in making this exciting new option available to our patients who want to improve their appearance without the rigors of surgery and the potential for post-surgical scarring. Your breasts can be noticeably lifted non-surgically and rejuvenated with no visible scar tissue and no post-operative downtime. By utilizing precision-controlled radio frequency energy your skin is tightened, new elastin is generated, and you get impressive results without having to undergo a major surgical procedure.

The Non-Surgical Breast Lift Procedure

ThermiBra leaves your skin unmarred by scars, while boosting and lifting your breasts, both immediately and over time. A minimal number of micro entry points are made in the areolas, through which a precision probe is inserted to engage the tissue under the skin of the breast, and these probes can deliver highly targeted radio frequency energy to the problem areas, in turn causing the skin to shrink. The procedure is quick and takes only about 30-45 minutes per breast, for a procedure that lasts only two hours sum total for the entire treatment, which is done under local anesthesia. These entry points will be virtually undetectable once they heal and our New Jersey non-surgical breast lift patients will start to see their results immediately after treatment, but the most noticeable results will begin to appear within two to three months after the procedure, and full and final results will be visible in six to twelve months.

Planning Your Non-Surgical Breast Lift Procedure

ThermiBra is ideal for those women who suffer from mild to moderate ptosis or sagging of the breasts, or a breast asymmetry, and the best part about it is that you donā€™t need to plan for your procedure, because the need for a more invasive breast lift surgery is eliminated or delayed, and instead you can opt for this quick, convenient outpatient procedure. We always recommend patients have reasonable expectations and little to no health problems before you have this procedure, and during the course of your confidential consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have, discuss any concerns you may have, as well as discuss in significant detail your desired results.

Preparing for Your Non-Surgical Breast Lift Procedure

Take the time to meet with one of our world-class doctors, discuss all your health conditions and normal lifestyle activities, and together you and your New Jersey Plastic Surgery physician can determine whether or not the ThermiBra procedure is right for you.

The ThermiBra procedure was refined by New Jersey Plastic Surgery founder, Dr. Barry DiBernardo, and itā€™s an exclusive non-surgical breast lift approach utilizing a ThermiTight which produces thermal (radio frequency) energy to stimulate the production of new elastin and to improve the tightness of the skin on your breast.

What is the Cost of the ThermiBra Procedure in Montclair, NJ?

The cost of your ThermiBra procedure depends on your specific needs, and your specific anatomy, so your costs will vary accordingly.

To help make this breakthrough procedure more affordable for all of our clients, we proudly offer financing options via American Healthcare Lending, CareCreditĀ®, and for your convenience, we also accept cash, check, VisaĀ®, MasterĀ®Card, American Express, and DiscoverĀ® Card.

Are you interested in getting the results of a breast lift, without the hassle and scarring that can result from traditional surgery? If so, then please contact New Jersey Plastic Surgery in Montclair, New Jersey today! Our team of plastic surgeons performs non-surgical breast lifts on residents of Essex, Bloomfield, Morristown, and throughout the world.

New Jersey non-surgical breast lift model with blue dress

The Best Candidates for a Non-Surgical Breast Lift

Do you feel older when you look in the mirror? Sagging breasts are a fact of life for many women as they age, and it can affect you emotionally, whether you are wearing clothing, a swimsuit, or nothing at all, and unfortunately the loss of self-confidence due to sagging breasts can have a devastating effect on an individualā€™s sense of self-esteem, ultimately lowering their quality of life.

Surgical breast lifts are an option, and there are a variety of different techniques available, but they all require incisions, which will leave visible scars, and in addition, some patients have an aversion to surgery of any kind. If you have sagging breasts, or have implants placed and want to avoid surgery, but nevertheless want to take positive steps towards improving the appearance of your breasts, then you may be an excellent candidate for the all-new ThermiBra non-surgical breast lift procedure from New Jersey Plastic Surgery. Those patients with significant sagging may still need surgery. The best candidates for ThermiBra are patients who want results similar to those of a traditional breast lift but do not want to undergo plastic surgery, so contact us right now to set up your ThermiBra consultation, and find out more about this breakthrough procedure, and if itā€™s right for you.

New Jersey Plastic Surgery 29 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07042

Our New Jersey Plastic Surgery cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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