(973) 509-2000 Appointment

Liquid Rhinoplasty in Montclair

Featured on 2020 Americaā€™s Best Doctor List by Americaā€™s Best and Findatopdoc.com

New Jersey Liquid Rhinoplasty model New Jersey Liquid Rhinoplasty model with blonde hair
injections with Jess

A non-surgical rhinoplasty can be accomplished with nose fillers to improve a crooked nose or poor nasal shape.

Using injectable fillers, our nurse injector performs a series of quick injections into the nasal area, then shapes and molds the nose according to your preferences. At New Jersey Plastic Surgery, we are pleased to offer a complete range of surgical and non-surgical options designed to achieve total facial harmony. We strive to deliver the best liquid rhinoplasty New Jersey has to offer.

What Is A Liquid Rhinoplasty?

This minimally invasive procedure is also known as a ā€˜liquid nose jobā€™ since it uses a high-quality liquid dermal filler to reshape the nose without surgery.

With liquid rhinoplasty, patients can greatly improve certain nose imperfections such as the following:

  • Improve an asymmetrical nose
  • Correct a small dorsal bump
  • Improve overall nose shape and appearance
  • Raise a droopy nose tip
New Jersey Liquid Rhinoplasty model with black dress

How Does A Liquid Rhinoplasty Work?

The liquid rhinoplasty fillers are composed of a hyaluronic acid gel that has the right amount of flexibility and strength to perfect an unsightly nose within minutes. It is ideal to improve nose symmetry and correct minor cosmetic defects.

The nurse injector at New Jersey Plastic Surgery has performed the liquid rhinoplasty procedure on hundreds of satisfied patients. Dermal fillers are carefully injected into the nose while the patient is awake. The nose is numbed first, and most dermal fillers also contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to make the procedure comfortable.

In minutes, your new-and-improved nose takes shape as the injector artistically shapes the filler around the existing nasal structures to create a nose that beautifully complements that patientā€™s face. Your individual preferences play a role in how the nose is shaped. A consultation prior to the injection allows you to explain the cosmetic concerns that are bothering you most about your nose, so the treatment is tailored to each individual. Liquid rhinoplasty results are instant!

What Canā€™t A Liquid Rhinoplasty Do?

The liquid rhinoplasty is excellent for improving many cosmetic nasal defects. However, there are some limitations to what the procedure can do. In some instances, rhinoplasty surgery may be needed to accomplish significant and permanent changes to the nose.

For example, a very large dorsal hump, an extremely crooked nose, nasal damage due to accident or injury, or a deviated septum may require surgical intervention. While a liquid nose job cannot make a large nose smaller, correctly placed rhinoplasty fillers can trick the eye in a clever manner to make a big nose look smaller. This is done by balancing the shape and proportions of the nose. Keep in mind that to truly make a large nose smaller, rhinoplasty surgery is needed. Surgical rhinoplasty involves shaving down the nasal bones and/or cartilage to reduce the size and shape of a large nose permanently. Please schedule your personalized liquid rhinoplasty consultation to have our medical expert examine your nose in person; That way, they can suggest whether a non-surgical or surgical rhinoplasty is in your best interest.

Liquid Rhinoplasty Recovery

As an in-office procedure that does not require anesthesia, there is virtually no downtime with a liquid rhinoplasty.

Most of our New Jersey liquid rhinoplasty patients feel well enough to return to work, school, and social activities immediately after the procedure. Cosmetic injections have minimal side effects. Temporary swelling and bruising are common reactions to dermal fillers. Such liquid rhinoplasty side effects are minimal, and bruising is not guaranteed to occur. Much of the swelling and bruising subsides quickly.

The small bruises, if present, may be concealed with makeup to easily camouflage them. It is important not to apply pressure to the nose for the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. Dermal fillers are malleable shortly after injection, so itā€™s essential not to press on the nose for the first day or so after our nurse injector has finished shaping it.

It is best to avoid wearing eyeglasses/sunglasses and avoid rubbing or pushing down on the nose during this time. Sleep on your back for the first two nights with the head slightly elevated. Ice may be applied to speed bruise healing with the approval of our nurse injection; But again, do not apply pressure while icing the area.

Book Your NJ Liquid Rhinoplasty Consultation Now

You deserve to have a lovely nose that is attractive and proportionate to the rest of your facial features. To learn how our aesthetic medical team can help fix a crooked nose, correct nose asymmetry, or improve the shape of your nose, please contact us today online or at (973) 509-2000.

New Jersey Plastic Surgery 29 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07042

Our New Jersey Plastic Surgery cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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