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BBL HERO in Montclair

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BBL HERO Montclair Montclair BBL HERO
injections with Jess

BBL HERO is 4x faster than other Broad-Band Light treatments. It is also 3x more effective with 2x the cooling effect of traditional IPL procedures, making it a more comfortable and reliable way to achieve results. New Jersey Plastic Surgery is proud to have had one of the first BBL HEROs in the world!

This treatment is performed with a handheld device that delivers carefully measured and precisely targeted pulses of broad-spectrum light. As the device is moved over the treatment area, it addresses color and textural issues, correcting them to produce a smooth and clear complexion. It is important to remember that, while BBL HERO is an exceptionally effective treatment, it may take more than one session to see optimal results. This is something that can be discussed in greater detail during your time in our care.

What is BBL HERO?

BBL stands for Broad-Band Light technology, HERO stands for High Energy Rapid Output. This new advance allows for faster and better outcomes; particularly when treating large areas of skin on the body. The treatment aims to reduce unwanted pigment in the skin, such as red or brown skin discoloration, using a targeted light.

BBL HERO improves skin radiance and promotes an even complexion. While one BBL treatment can improve the patientā€™s complexion, the best BBL results are achieved by completing a series of treatments, each spaced a few weeks apart. At the end of the full course of treatments, the skin appears more even in skin tone with a glowing, youthful complexion that defies telltale signs of skin aging. BBL is also sometimes referred to as ā€˜BBL laserā€™, but it is not technically a laser.

BBL HERO Montclair

Improve Your Skin With BBL Technology

BBL HERO accomplishes rapid skin improvement in an outpatient setting. Prolonged sun exposure, aging, hormonal changes, lifestyle factors such as a poor diet or smoking, and genetics all play a role in the skinā€™s appearance.

This may result in dull, lifeless skin with pigmented lesions that make a patientā€™s face appear tired and aged. Some of the skin conditions that see the most improvement with BBL laser include the following:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Blotchy skin
  • Dull skin
  • Birthmarks
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Aging chest skin color & texture
  • Poor skin texture
  • Mild skin sagging
  • Skin lesions such as freckles and age spots (“liver spots”)
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • And more.

Where Can The BBL Treatment Be Used?

Dr. DiBernardo and his staff can use BBL HERO treatment on the legs, hands, belly, back, chest, and arms. He can also use this treatment on the neck, face, and other delicate areas of the body, making the BBL HERO treatment one of the most versatile options available.

BBL uses light energy to stimulate collagen production. This helps to produce a softer, fuller, and more youthful appearance. At the same time, the photo-thermal energy produced by BBL works to eliminate redness, broken blood vessels, and various pigmentation issues. Remarkable in scope and efficacy, BBL HERO is a good solution for many of our patients. During your initial consultation, we will help you decide if it is the best one for your needs.

Who Is A Good Candidate for BBL HERO?

BBL HERO is different from other types of IPL therapy in that it is safe and effective for nearly all skin types. If you are struggling with pigmentation issues, age or sun spots, or another issue that can be treated with BBL, you may be the ideal candidate.

There is minimal downtime associated with BBL HERO therapy and very little that will need to be done in preparation. However, avoiding sun exposure and certain other irritants may be necessary during the weeks leading up to your procedure. Best results are seen with concomitant good skin care such as with Underskin & ZO skincare products. The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for BBL is through a one-on-one consultation with one of our surgeons at New Jersey Plastic Surgery. During this meeting, we can assess your problem areas and discuss all of your treatment options to help you choose the best treatment for your needs.

What Age Should I Start BBL HERO Treatments?

BBL HERO is suitable for adults of all ages and can work both as a curative and preventative treatment.

The best age to start treatment is whatever age you decide to try it, although it may be more effective in people with less pronounced signs of aging.

Montclair BBL HERO

What Happens During Your BBL HERO Treatment?

After the consultation with our trained skin expert to discuss your individual concerns, eligible patients may choose to proceed with BBL HERO. The procedure is performed in a comfortable treatment chair without the need for a prolonged recovery time.

BBL works by using light technology to target and destroy unwanted pigment in the skin. Our BBL technician will work the handheld device over the targeted treatment site, working in small sections at a time to ensure no area is missed. No anesthesia is required for BBL HERO treatment. This eliminates the risk of adverse reactions to sedatives and allows you to remain conscious and alert throughout your procedure.

What Are The Most Common BBL HERO Side Effects?

Since BBL is not truly a laser, it provides meaningful skin improvement with few adverse side effects using gentle light technology. Dry, tight skin, temporary redness, and skin sensitivity may occur but should resolve rapidly in the days following treatment. Bruising is unlikely to occur.

Most side effects are temporary and cosmetic in nature. Serious side effects are rare. Your BBL HERO technician will advise you of possible side effects and risks prior to engaging in any cosmetic treatment we offer.

BBL HERO Montclair

Does BBL HERO Hurt?

Most Montclair BBL HERO patients are concerned about painful lasers they may have tried in the past. A common question that patients frequently ask is ā€˜Is BBL painful?ā€™ The honest answer is that the procedure is minimally painful compared to popular laser treatments.

The treatment is well tolerated and is often described as a sensation of a quick rubber band snap that dissipates quickly as the handheld device is pulsed over the skin. Thankfully, discomfort during the procedure is quite minimal and short-lived. There is also virtually no BBL downtime to speak of ā€” a huge benefit compared to other types of skin lasers that have a more invasive approach to non-surgical skin rejuvenation that can leave the skin raw, sore, or peeling for days or weeks on end.

What Is The BBL HERO Downtime?

BBL HERO treatment is non-surgical and requires no recovery period. BBL HERO recovery time is rapid, so patients can resume most normal daily activities, including exercise immediately following the treatment. It is common to have mild discomfort, similar to a sunburn, for up to 48 hours, but this is not typically limiting.

Those with significant pre-existing skin damage may experience some redness or swelling. Minor dryness or skin crusting may occur in small patches, although this depends on the severity of sun damage that is being treated. It is normal for the skin to feel a bit sensitive after treatment, but most patients do not find this bothersome. While recovery and discomfort following BBL HERO treatment are negligible, we will provide information on post-care, including creams, serums, and other ointments that can assist with healing and improve your overall experience. One can resume their skincare, such as Underskin, in 1-2 days. The redness of the skin is temporary and may be concealed with makeup.

Our skincare specialist at New Jersey Plastic Surgery will advise when it is possible to resume wearing makeup following the procedure. Sun protection is a must following treatment ā€” particularly the first 48 to 72 hours after each treatment session. This is when the skin is most sensitive to sun exposure. SPF 50+, preferably a gentle mineral broad-spectrum sunscreen, is a good choice, such as ZO Oclipse. Keeping skin shielded from prolonged solar radiation is the best way to maintain long-lasting results. While BBL is excellent for fixing certain types of sun damage on the skin, such as discoloration or sun freckles, it will not prevent new ones from forming.

Book Your Montclair BBL HERO Consultation Now

We strive to deliver the best BBL HERO Montclair has to offer. To learn how the medical specialist at New Jersey Plastic Surgery can help achieve your individual cosmetic goals and improve your self-image, contact us today online or at (973) 509-2000.

We are also offering virtual plastic surgery consultations in light of these unprecedented times.

New Jersey Plastic Surgery 29 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07042

Our New Jersey Plastic Surgery cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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