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Morpheus8in Montclair

Featured on 2020 Americaā€™s Best Doctor List by Americaā€™s Best and Findatopdoc.com

Morpheus8 Montclair Morpheus8 Montclair
injections with Jess

The Morpheus8 is a subdermal adipose remodeling device, or SARD. It's designed to provide the fast, uniform, and virtually painless body contouring.

The Morpheus8 offers deep penetration that destroys fat cells, tightens skin, and leaves you looking years younger. Unlike other laser-based SARD treatments, the Morpheus8 leaves little to no skin damage. It is even proven to reduce the chances of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation among patients with sensitive skin.

The Morpheus8: Brand New State of the Art Technology in Body Contouring

The Morpheus8 is a subdermal adipose remodeling device, or SARD. It's designed to provide the fast, uniform, and virtually painless body contouring.

Morpheus8 offers deep penetration that destroys fat cells, tightens skin, and leaves you looking years younger. Most people who use the Morpheus8 will see results in as little as one treatment. However, it's often best to do at least three to see the full power of this technology.

Morpheus8 Montclair

How Is The Morpheus8 Used?

This incredible technology is used by our top surgeons at New Jersey Plastic Surgery. During treatment with Morpheus8 New Jersey patients will be given a light topical anesthetic if so desired.

Your surgeon will then use the Morpheus8 on you by turning on the machine and pressing the device up against your skin. The entire procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on what you want to accomplish. There is no downtime associated with the Morpheus8. Once it's done, you will have mild swelling that will subside after a day or two. The results are there for you too see soon after.

Am I A Good Candidate For The Morpheus8?

By utilizing this cutting-edge technology New Jersey Morpheus8 patients can be treated for a wide range of different issues, including acne, scarring, jowls, bra rolls, cellulite, and even skin discoloration. Some experts have also started to use it as a facelift maintenance procedure.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Do you want to try the Morpheus8, or learn more about what it can do for you? Give our office a call to find out the details or book your first treatment.

New Jersey Plastic Surgery 29 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07042

Our New Jersey Plastic Surgery cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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