(973) 509-2000 Appointment

ThermiVa in Montclair

Featured on 2020 Americaā€™s Best Doctor List by Americaā€™s Best and Findatopdoc.com

ThermiVa New Jersey ThermiVa New Jersey
injections with Jess

What Is ThermiVa? ThermiVa is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation method that is giving women a second chance at a comfortable life.

ThermiVa uses a temperature-controlled radiofrequency apparatus to gently heat the targeted tissues. This stimulates the body's natural healing processes to restore tissue tone and function for long-term results. With no downtime, this procedure can eliminate the fear of leaking urine and renew your sex life.

Preparing for Your ThermiVa Procedure

Depending on the specifics of your situation, we may recommend three 30-minute sessions in our office, scheduled one month apart. During treatment sessions of ThermiVa New Jersey Plastic Surgery does not use anesthesia, as the treatment itself is comfortable.

ThermiVa New Jersey

The Best Candidates for ThermiVa

Ideal candidates are in general good health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of this procedure.

Good candidates for ThermiVa are women who experience one or more of the following:

  • Feeling ā€œlooseā€ vaginally after childbirth or since menopause
  • Feeling dry during sexual intercourse
  • Leaking urine when you cough, sneeze or exercise

Planning Your ThermiVa Procedure

During your New Jersey ThermiVa consultation we will explain the techniques used, answer any questions you may have and customize your ThermiVa procedure to meet your treatment goals.

New Jersey Plastic Surgery 29 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07042

Our New Jersey Plastic Surgery cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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